Tuesday Training pic

Tuesday Night Training

Tuesday Night is open to both Men and Belles. This session is focussed on Strength and Conditioning, key skills and rugby principles. All training is wholly inclusive and catered for all abilities.

Training starts at 7:30pm. Clubhouse is open from 7:00pm

wednesday training pic

Wednesday Night Training

Wednesday Night Training is exclusively for the Men's teams. This session is focussed on set pieces and team strategies which are then followed by team runs for the weekend's upcoming fixtures.

Training starts at 7:30pm. Clubhouse is open from 7:00pm.

Belles Training pic

Thursday Night Training

Thursday Night Training is our Belles only session. This session focusses on conditioning, set pieces and team strategies in preparation for upcoming fixtures.

Training starts at 7:30pm. Clubhouse is open from 7:00pm.